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Criteria for Journal Submission

Publishers are suggested to read following terms before submitting your Journal for evaluation:


(A)     General Criteria


arrow Only those journals which have the standing of 3 or more years will be considered for Impact factor.


arrow One copy each of the three most recent issues of the Journal should be provided (by Online submission) to the AQCJ to evaluate the journal.


arrow Please mention if the date of receipt and date of acceptance is given for each paper published in the Journal. This is an important criterion.


arrow The Journal will also be judged for Format/Editing, Quality/Get-up, and Scientific contents. Too many advertisements will have negative impact.


(B)     Specific Criteria


arrow Timeliness of Publication : Provide issue-wise, due date and actual date of publication, for the last three years (i.e., 2009, 2010 & 2011 for the rating in 2012). Evaluation of a journal is a continuous process. It is therefore, important to send each issue of the journal to AQCJ Secretariat as soon as it is published, to register its timeliness.


areow Number of papers published : Provide issue-wise details of number of papers published, for the last three years (i.e., 2009, 2010 & 2011 for the rating in 2012), and over-all average of papers published per issue.


areow Editorial contents : Provide subject vice editorial board.


areow International participation in publications : Provide details of papers published from overseas in your Journal during the last three years (i.e., 2009, 2010 & 2011).


areow Manuscript processing : Provide year-wise, number of MSs received, accepted and rejected, for the last three years (i.e., 2009, 2010 & 2011), and also give over all rejection rate.


areow Time taken in publication: Provide year-wise details of minimum, maximum and average time taken (in months) from submission to acceptance, and from submission to publication of the papers for the last three years (i.e., 2009, 2010 & 2011).


areow Abstracting services: Provide a list and proof of Abstracting Services covering your Journal.


areow National and International paid subscriptions : Provide a list of libraries/Institutions/organizations, separately for diffrent countries, subscribing to your Journal on payment basis.